Gluten and Celiac Disease
I buy all my ingredients for cooking at Jimbo’s Market ( They are a totally organic store and carry a great variety of items for people who cannot digest gluten, such as my daughter. She has celiac disease. We who live in California are fortunate because California has grocery stores such as Jimbo’s that carries […]
Cooking and Entertaining
Ok, you all know that I love to cook and entertain! This morning I had brunch for Heather and Linda as a thank you for the beautiful work they did on the grandchildren’s room. These two lovely ladies are the ones who made my dream a reality by sewing the drapes, pillows and coverings. Heather […]
Cleaning Out the Old, Making Way for the New!
Those of you that have read all my blog posts know that I had my knee replaced on May 4th of 2011. Now thanks to a change in the weather as we segue into fall, among other things, I am only one pound away from my goal. I am sure I will meet the […]
The Pink Grandchildren’s Room
Until almost two months ago I stored my large paintings in a bedroom in my home. A dear friend mentioned several months ago, Fran, you should store your paintings somewhere else and turn this room into a baby’s room for your new granddaughter. This friend was expecting her first grandbaby. She designed and created a […]
Confidence In Life Confidence in Art
I had a gentleman tell me one time Fran, the art that sticks with people is the art that is done with confident strong powerful strokes with the energy to back them up. There’s also a quote in the Bible, Hebrews 10, Verse 35, So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly […]
Butterflies, Dragonflies and Enjoying Our Surroundings
Lately I have been noticing a profusion of butterflies and dragonflies in north San Diego County. One day there were so many that I actually counted them; twenty-five butterflies floating about in the garden! I had just returned from an invigorating swim in the ocean that left my body feeling tingly all over! Seeing the […]
Summer Days Remembered and Today
Last week my sister called our mother and me. Let’s meet down at Swami’s to go swimming. Swami’s is my favorite beach right now! Fran, it’s like when we were kids! No crowds and the beach is amazing! We have been having unseasonably hot weather for San Diego this summer. I really should not complain […]
Butterflies in our Gardens, Butterflies in my Art
As I was strolling through my garden yesterday and then during my daily walk, I saw some beautiful butterflies, some whose names I don’t recall, but others remembered from childhood. There were always many butterflies in my mother’s garden when I was growing up, Morning Glories to Monarchs. Frequently as a child I experienced Mourning […]
Composting Can Be Lots of Fun
Just recently I have discovered that composting like painting is a passion of mine! I have been composting for about twenty-five years on a large scale. But this was always a very simple method that my gardener and right-hand man Sergio has helped me with throughout the years. I call it the Lani Frymiller method. […]
Cooking, Entertaining, and Making Art
I am having a spur of the moment dinner party tonight. As you might know from earlier posts I LOVE to entertain on the spur of the moment! Dinner Party Breakfast Expanding Vegetables Entertaining is one of my passions. It gives me the same feeling that I receive when I paint; entertaining on the spur […]