How Our Collective Passion of Gardening and Nature Helps Us and the World

How Our Collective Passion of Gardening and Nature Helps Us and the World Today is November 29, 2020.This has been a difficult year for all of us in one way or another. In yet we are all so lucky to have the passion of gardening and nature, during this time especially. It has been said […]
My Grandmother’s Lemon Meringue Pie

Happy New Year! My life has been consumed of late with my art shows; Art San Diego 2014 and Spectrum-Miami back to back and painting between them. But we also had Christmas during this time period and so I was cooking a lot too. I am thrilled to report that I am in a new gallery […]
Art San Diego and Spectrum Art-Miami

As this year 2014 draws to a close I wish you all the healthiest, happiest and most fulfilling of New Years! The past few months have been a whirlwind of activities. Aside from the traditional holiday events I was fortunate to have been selected to participate in Art San Diego 2014. I was also thrilled […]
Fly Fishing is Big Fun!

I married a Huntin’ and Fishin’ man when I was very young. Sadly Peter passed away of cancer over seven years ago, yet I still love to fly fish! It is a Spiritual experience for me! The bug for fly fishing all started years ago when Pete and I were at Alisal Ranch in Solvang, […]
Summer Time 2014 and Memories of Growing Up in Old Del Mar!

Now that summer has arrived I am swimming in the ocean almost every day! The water has been especially warm this season, in the 70°s F most of the time. Usually these days I go to Swami’s in Encinitas CA to swim. Two days ago, not having as much time as usual, I went over […]
Jan’s Shangri-La

Last week was the end of the year party for Olivenhain Garden Club. We were blessed to have our party in Jan Casado’s garden. Once in her garden one felt like one never wanted to leave. A few of us ate lunch at a table under a pergola looking out at the view– it felt […]
A Visit To An Artist’s Studio

Earlier this week I got a call from a friend. Fran I’m calling to invite you over to see my artist studio. I was thrilled to receive his invitation! Here are a few excerpts from my interview with Tom— Tom: There were two things I knew when I was growing up: one, I was going […]
Halloween Today and Revisited!

Yesterday was Halloween and I was impressed as I drove through down-town Encinitas on Highway 101 at the numbers of families, some with grandparents in tow. The young parents of the small children were all dressed up too! This is a lovely new expression for the parents of young children! I have been thinking about […]
Joys of Gardening With Grandchildren

Their oldest daughter Anushka loves to garden. She is now six years old. Every time the family comes to visit Anushka and I have fun gardening. While they were here we planted some vegetables and seeds together, picked tomatoes and strawberries, and pulled out vegetables that were spent. Anushka was able to experience the cycle […]
Growing and Maintaining a Garden Hedge

January of 2007 we had an unusually severe winter in San Diego County. Peter and I traveled to Spain for the birth of our first grandchild. When we arrived home from Spain in February several trees and shrubs had died on our property, or so we thought. Since I had been to Ireland with my […]