The Gardens of Villa Cimbrone
One of my daughters lives in Europe. I travel there to visit my family. Usually I don’t branch out to different destinations because I want to spend all my time with children and grandchildren. Last fall after staying two weeks with the children in the north of Spain, I met my mother in the Munich […]
Being Inspired!
Many times I am asked where my inspirations come from for a particular painting. Sometimes I deliberate and a painting may take me weeks or months to finish. Other times the inspiration is almost instantaneous and the painting is complete in an hour’s time. The painting that I am discussing here is the latter. Three […]
Beatle Memories and Other Things — Growing Up in Old Del Mar
How many of you remember the Fab Four on the bubble gum cards? So fun! Del Mar was termed by some; Gasoline Alley. There were 13 gas stations on old 101! I remember because on occasions that I was allowed to walk home from school I would count each one. After the freeway opened the […]
Antics of Two Intelligent Dogs, Byron And Amie
Before going out in the evenings the dogs and I have a routine. I feed them dinner, put them out to go potty and then turn on the music for them to listen to while I am gone. Bye Bye puppies, protect the house and be good — don’t get into mischief, I will be […]
Dorothy’s Shoes
It’s like Dorothy’s Shoes,we have them all along and we can go home at any minute! Many times when I am writing a blog post it takes me a long time to think about the subject that I am writing about. I will write and re write. I will end up taking out huge portions […]
Put The Mask on Yourself First Before Helping Others!
If the aircraft cabin loses pressure, the panel above your seat containing oxygen masks will open automatically. While remaining seated with your seatbelt fastened, quickly reach for the nearest mask and pull down firmly to start the flow of oxygen. Pull the yellow cup over your nose and mouth, slip the elastic band over your head […]
Thoughts at the End of 2012
Perhaps like some of you I not only blog but write in journals. The popularity of journaling has been on the rise and the variety of beautiful blank volumes make them a real temptation to buy. I love buying really pretty ones and writing my thoughts or musings every day: my prayers, my hopes, my […]
As 2012 Draws To A Close 12 12 12
As this new year fast approaches I am ripe for something exciting and new to happen in my life, in large part because in my view I am straddling islands. I thought I had a vision of where I wanted to go in my life’s journey. But it just keeps twisting and turning, nothing concrete […]
My Standard Poodles – Byron and Amie
Mimi please would you tell me a stow-wee about Byron and Amie. Anushka asks in her adorable little Spanish Basque accent. I was visiting with her on SKYPE. Anushka lives in Spain and I am in San Diego. How fortunate we are in this day and age to have ways to easily communicate with family […]
Arugula Tomato Salad From the Garden – Vegetable Lasagna and Musings of The Seasons
Thanksgiving is over…. gulp, it is now time for me to get ready for Christmas! A special blessing arrived this month in the way of a new grandbaby. I am anticipating the joyous season ahead! BUT there is sooo much to do!!!! Lists miles long. This morning when my alarm clock went off—- Bryon, as […]