
Please feel free to read the blogs posted below:

Summer Visitors

This evening my older daughter and her family will arrive from Spain for a visit.  I am so excited to see the whole family!  The

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Healing Garden

I just saw a beautiful garden photo on Facebook and it reminded me of friends of my daughter in Spain who have the most Beautiful

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The White Picket Fence

A couple of weeks ago I was in Northern California visiting my daughter Erica and her children. While Erica was busy working I took her

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Summer Visitors

This evening my older daughter and her family will arrive from Spain for a visit.  I am so excited to see the whole family!  The

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Healing Garden

I just saw a beautiful garden photo on Facebook and it reminded me of friends of my daughter in Spain who have the most Beautiful

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The White Picket Fence

A couple of weeks ago I was in Northern California visiting my daughter Erica and her children. While Erica was busy working I took her

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