Garden Surroundings, Butterflies & Host Plants In The Garden
October 2021 I receive so much joy by planting flowers, plants and vines that attract different butterflies to my garden. Butterflies have symbiotic relationships with
Please feel free to read the blogs posted below:
October 2021 I receive so much joy by planting flowers, plants and vines that attract different butterflies to my garden. Butterflies have symbiotic relationships with
September 2021 The first time I was taught how to make tussie-mussies, also spelled tussy mussy (among other variations), was by my friend Becky and
August 2021 A strong memory from my childhood is of being beautifully dressed in a blue wool coat with a black velvet collar, black patent
July 2021 When we think of the Fourth of July we think of watermelon, barbecued hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs and “Mom’s” Apple Pie. Read
June 2021 We, who love gardening and gardens never cease to appreciate and enjoy the beauty inspiration, knowledge, love and pure joy that our gardens
May 2021 In the time of climate change, at present, we are back in a drought and having a La Niña year. The last couple
April 2021 All my life I have had a “love affair” with wisteria, passed down from Mum, Pat Welsh, who has written numerous books and
March 2021 We are having a La Nina this year according To the weather bureau.La Nina’s usually mean less rain in southern CA.But we have
GARDEN SURROUNDINGS: In The Garden When I first moved to this property five plus years ago, I knew I wanted to make large changes in
January 2021 Normally I am given great freedom in what I write about each month for SDHS.As long as it has to do with plants
October 2021 I receive so much joy by planting flowers, plants and vines that attract different butterflies to my garden. Butterflies have symbiotic relationships with
September 2021 The first time I was taught how to make tussie-mussies, also spelled tussy mussy (among other variations), was by my friend Becky and
August 2021 A strong memory from my childhood is of being beautifully dressed in a blue wool coat with a black velvet collar, black patent
July 2021 When we think of the Fourth of July we think of watermelon, barbecued hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs and “Mom’s” Apple Pie. Read
June 2021 We, who love gardening and gardens never cease to appreciate and enjoy the beauty inspiration, knowledge, love and pure joy that our gardens
May 2021 In the time of climate change, at present, we are back in a drought and having a La Niña year. The last couple
April 2021 All my life I have had a “love affair” with wisteria, passed down from Mum, Pat Welsh, who has written numerous books and
March 2021 We are having a La Nina this year according To the weather bureau.La Nina’s usually mean less rain in southern CA.But we have
GARDEN SURROUNDINGS: In The Garden When I first moved to this property five plus years ago, I knew I wanted to make large changes in
January 2021 Normally I am given great freedom in what I write about each month for SDHS.As long as it has to do with plants