The third Monday of each April is Patriot’s Day, a favorite holiday in Massachusetts! Additionally, it is also the day of the Boston Marathon.
Terrorist attack in Boston at finish line of Boston Marathon!
As soon as I heard the news I quickly called and texted my sister, my nephew and his sweet girlfriend, and my daughter and her family. Thankfully I found out that everyone was ok. My nephew expressed so beautifully that he and his girlfriend were with close friends and that they were taking care of one another. As I watched the news I became more and more upset! I texted my friend Peter in Texas. He is a flight attendant and we were talking about the horrific events of 911 the day before by phone. In the past when Peter and I have discussed 911 Peter told me that as soon as the 911 lockdown was lifted and people could fly again, he got right back up in the air to show the terrorists that we are not afraid! My friend has made it a point to be working every single September 11th since 911 2001. Peter has been flying for 38 years.
After watching the news about Boston play the same horrific tapes over and over for four hours Monday night I read my niece’s terrific blog post.
Rebecca speaks of Humanity pulling together to help one another; people becoming family who had never met. We have had too many horrific events in our nation as of late! What is wrong with our world?! The anger and pathos we feel are natural emotions! I think a lot of us are feeling where and when is the next shoe going to drop! I know I do tonight! I am, as I am sure you all are too, thinking of the tragic and horrible events that happened in Connecticut at the end of 2012 and the list goes on and on!
These are the times that try men’s (and women’s) Souls. . . Thomas Paine
Many thanks go out to all the public servants! The firefighters, the policemen and women, the nurses, doctors and all other lay people who have run to the disaster to help their fellow human beings. Here’s to reaching out with love to our fellow men and women in our world with help, which translates to Loving One Another!
The Youngbloods Performing Let’s Get Together at Woodstock
Rebecca said it better than I To Boston With Love
Bye for Now

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