How Our Collective Passion of Gardening and Nature Helps Us and the World

Today is November 29, 2020.This has been a difficult year for all of us in one way or another. In yet we are all so lucky to have the passion of gardening and nature, during this time especially.
It has been said that 85 percent of the world is stressed right now because of the Corona Virus. In yet, we who have the passion for plants, gardening, farming anything to do with nature are able to, at times move free of our sadness, grief.
Feelings of loneliness into feelings of freedom and Joy. Pure JOY, as we dead head roses in November; or saver the fragrance of ‘Firefighter,’a red highly fragrant tree rose in my garden.
This Thanksgiving was different than any we have ever experienced in most of our lifetimes.We have not experienced a pandemic in over 100 years. It is also a time to be thankful for our many blessings.And as hard a time as this is for most people, harder for most people; We can still be Thankful for the Good in our individual lives. As hard as this is to see with many problems and troubles; Deepak Chopra, among many say that by being thankful we make space for good to come into our lives.This is so hard to do if our life seems to be falling apart.But getting our hands into the dirt, smelling the soil, tending to a garden, or walking in nature can change our focus completely and bring us into a space of light, love and joy, no matter what we have had to endure in this lifetime.
I found myself feeling sad the day after Thanksgiving, because normally I would be with children and grandchildren. This is not a biggy compared to other people’s sorrows, but I was feeling very sad none the less! I actually felt I was in a depression and I might have been, but certainly depressed.
One thing that helps me is routine of exercise.For me; it is in the form of swimming at the Boy’s and Girls’ Club; as many days a week as I can make an appointment on line, and if possible walking every day.
Painting Always brings me out of a slump!

I had not painted a painting since the beginning of this Pandemic, early March.
Last week All of a sudden I got the idea for a new Series of Paintings. The idea came from my passion of Gardening!
‘Healing The World Through Consciousness of Thought’ ‘JOY’.
As I write I hear a frog that has been living in my garden for months outside my office. Pure Joy is what I feel and smile as I hear his croak, perhaps looking for a mate? Many months ago I had one in my back garden,I have never seen him but I sure hope he finds a mate.Pure Joy wells up in my heart as I hear the Frog’s sweet voice in the garden!
In Conclusion We are coming into the Holiday Season. Actually We Are In It. It is normal to feel negative feelings at this time of year when we are all suppose to be filled with so much joy, but remember to go outside into your gardens and or nature and this might help you feel Joy, love, peace, contentment, and all other good. Our thoughts are a collective body of Truth. We can all help heal ourselves and the world mentally and physically by doing what we love to do! For me it is Painting!
Follow your passions,